A great, and very fast way to increase your credit score is to buy credit or get tradelines from other users. A tradeline is a line of credit reported on your credit report. The cheapest way to get them is from a friend or family member with a good score. All they have to do is make you an authorized user and bam, in a month you get their tradeline reported on your reports.
As long as they are in good standing, so are you. Of course your friends and family may be wary about putting you on their cards. First, it won’t affect their score. Second, they can have “your card” mailed to them and you never get your hands on it!
Buying a tradeline isn’t cheap. You can buy or rent tradelines. You become an authorized user for at least two months. You want to wait at least six months after bankruptcy to use these, and better yet, clear your credit reports up, and if possible, get the bankruptcy taken off your report.
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