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Federal Benefits

Many people who qualify do not receive these benefits because they either do not look into them or falsely believe they are not eligible. LOOK INTO THEM!


SSI is a needs-based program for disabled children and adults. It is designed to help with the living needs and currently pays over $700/month. Because it is needs-based, one’s income and assets help determine eligibility.


SSDI  is not needs-based,  and eligibility for the disabled is based on the taxes paid into Social Security.

Links for more information

Medicaid Program

This is for needy people and is paid with federal, state, and county dollars. Covered individuals are elderly or disabled individuals, children and their parents, persons needing long-term care and some Medicare recipients

Medicaid Covers

North Carolina Medicaid includes Baby Love for prenatal and infant health care,
Health Check for children up to age 21,
Carolina ACCESS for managed care, and
community alternatives to provide home and community care as a cost-effective alternative to institutionalization.

More Information

Call: 1-800-662-7030

Head Start

Head Start is from birth to age five from low-income families.

Early Head Start, which serves infants, toddlers, and pregnant women and their families who have incomes below the Federal poverty level.


Your browser does not support iframes. Please copy and paste the following link: https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/hslc/clientlocator.html?&NoMenu

National School Breakfast and Lunch Program

National School Lunch Program (NSLP) provides a nutritious breakfast to qualifying students. 


In order to qualify for this program, you must be:

a resident of the state of North Carolina and
a primary caregiver for a child(ren) who attends school.



Call: 919-807-3300


Special Milk Program (SMP)

SMP provides milk to children in schools and childcare programs which do not participate in other Federal meal service programs.

Schools in the National School Lunch or School Breakfast Programs may also use SMP to provide milk to children who do not have access to the school meal programs.


Any child in a school or institution that participates in the Special Milk Program can get milk. Schools may elect to offer free milk to low-income children. In order to qualify for this benefit program, you must be a resident of the state of North Carolina.

Child Nutrition Programs

NC Ed Agency

Child Nutrition Services

Call: 919-807-3300


More Federal benefits can be found here.

Disability Secrets SSI & SSDI

Disability Benefits



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