Shark-Infested Water Guarantee!

Shark Infested Water 2 Unconditional Guarantees
1) In the last 20+ years of Sheree & Kerry filing bankruptcies, ALL of their clients who filed Chapter 7 and told the whole truth were successful in filing bankruptcy. All of them. The vast majority were successful in about 90 days.
Sheree’s and Kerry’s UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE you will be successful in filing bankruptcy as long as you tell the whole truth and follow our instructions or you will get your attorney fee back. This has never been necessary.
The vast majority of our clients lost NOTHING but debt, and those that did, knew so before they filed and filed anyway. They kept their homes, cars, TVs, guns, etc. All in about 90 days!
2) Shark Infested Waters Guarantee: We want you to feel absolutely confident in your decision, which is why we offer a 2nd UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE! If Sheree and Kerry aren’t the perfect fit for you, no problem—no hard feelings whatsoever. Whether it’s 3 seconds or 3 days after becoming a client, if you’re not thrilled, neither are we. As long as we haven’t filed your case yet, if you wouldn’t jump into shark-infested waters to stick with us, we’ll refund your attorney fee—no questions asked. All we ask is that you let us know, in writing, what we could have done better so we can improve for future clients. That’s it! But honestly, we wouldn’t make these guarantees if we weren’t 100% confident that we deliver the best service around.

Sheree & Kerry Cameron
Cameron Bankruptcy Law
(919) 627-7748
Our Reviews:
One-of-a-Kind Bankruptcy Lawyer in Raleigh, NC!
Not filing for bankruptcy can mean you’re missing out on a fresh start that leads to future success.
Get your groove back!
Let Tamara tell you her bankruptcy story…
“OMG, is a Rock Star…” “Between Kerry and Sheree, they both have made this a remarkable experience for me – one that has been reassuring along the way.”
Let Les tell you his bankruptcy story…
“Thank you to Cameron Law for giving me a fresh start I needed to not just getting me back on my feet, but actually move forward.”
Let Rory tell you his bankruptcy story…
“Cameron Law has been terrific for us. We feel a lot more stress-free & it is easier to operate our everyday life.”