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State Benefits

State Benefits

North Carolina Unemployment Insurance

Provides temporary financial assistance to employees that are unemployed.


  • ou must have worked in North Carolina during the past 12 to 18 months
  • You have earned wages as determined by NC guidelines.
  • You must also be available and able to work each week that you are receive benefits.

More Information

State Benefits



North Carolina Work First

Work First is a plan to help families stay off welfare or to get off welfare and into jobs.

Parents can get short-term training and families can get child care assistance and other services. Families generally have two years to move off welfare.


  • Diversion: Helping families cope with unexpected emergencies
  • Work: Making work mandatory and by limiting how long a family can receive cash assistance
  • Retention: Helping families stay off welfare with services like as transportation, and making sure they are better off working than on welfare.

To Qualify:

  1. You must be a resident of North Carolina,
    either pregnant or responsible for a child under 19,
    a U.S. national, citizen, legal alien, or permanent resident,
    have low income, and
    be either under-employed, unemployed or about to become unemployed.
  1. More Information

Call: 919-855-4400

North Carolina Food Stamp Program (SNAP)

To qualify you must be a resident of the state of North Carolina and fall into one of two groups:

  • have bank balance (savings and checking combined) under $2,001, or
  • have a bank balance (savings and checking combined) under $3,001 and share a household with a person age 60+, or with a person with a disability (child, spouse, parent, or yourself).

For more information

NC Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP)

LIEAP provides a one-time payment to an energy company to help households pay their heating bills. The time to apply is December 1st through March 31st of each year.

Qualifying for the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program Guidelines.

  • It must be between Dec 1st and Jan 31st of each year,
  • Be responsible for a heating bill
  • A resident of the state of North Carolina
  • have less than $2,250 in the bank
  • Meet an income test


Priority is given to

  • households that have a 60+ year/old person 
  • a disabled person receiving a service through the North Carolina Division of Aging and Adult Services.


North Carolina Weatherization Assistance Program

This is designed to help NC citizens save energy and reduce expenses by the installation of insulating materials and energy efficiency measures in their homes.

Priority is placed on providing assistance to the elderly, individuals with disabilities and families with children.

More Information

Director of the Office of Economic Opportunity about the Weatherization Assistance Program – call Lawrence D. Wilson at: 919-715-5850

North Carolina Health Choice for Children

Families who have a household income that is too high for Medicaid but too low for health insurance premiums are able to get free or reduced price health care for their children. 


You must:

  • be a resident of the state of North Carolina,
  • meet income requirements
  • not covered by health insurance (including Medicaid), a U.S. national, citizen, legal alien, or permanent resident.
  • a U.S. national, citizen, legal alien, or permanent resident.

More Information

Call: 1-800-367-2229

North Carolina Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)

The WIC program provides nutrition education, supplemental foods, breastfeeding promotion and support, and referrals for health care. 


In order to qualify for this benefit program, you must be

  • a resident of the state of North Carolina;
  • a pregnant, breastfeeding and/or postpartum woman;
  • an infant or child up to 5 years of age;
  • and individually determined by a health professional to be at nutrition risk.
  • Make income requirements

NC WIC Program

Call: 1-800-367-2229

North Carolina Summer Food Service (SFSP)

Program Description

SFSP provides meals to children on school vacation who would normally receive free or reduced price meals in school.
The program is offered in  parks, playgrounds, housing authorities, day camps, churches, community centers, etc. Sometimes the SFSP meal service is combined with learning and recreational activities for the children.

SFSP Program


Call: 919-715-1924

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